Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vermont Lawmakers May Apologize For Eugenics Program

Check out this Associated Press article regarding Vermont legislators considering the approval of a resolution apologizing for the state's eugenics program from the 1920s and 1930s:

I think that the resolution should read “We’re sorry that the people that we didn’t forcibly sterilize in the 1930s ended up giving birth to people that thought that Howard Dean was a thoughtful moderate.”

Here's the third paragraph from the AP article, in its entirety:

“Backers of the resolution say its harms fell disproportionately on Vermonters of Abenaki and French-Canadian heritage, as well as poor Irish and Italian immigrants.”

Why would these legislators purposely back a resolution that they know harms these groups? All it does is set things up so that the Vermont legislature has to pass a resolution 75 years from now apologizing for this resolution. Or perhaps the Associated Press will apologize for its shoddy writing. On second thought, I think the latter is even less likely than the former.

But seriously, do Vermont legislators really believe that the eugenics program was bad merely because it discriminated against Abenakis and French-Canadians and poor Italian and Irish immigrants? If only they had run a more multi-cultural forcible sterilization program . . . .

1 comment:

Douglas Buchholz said...

The Eugenics NEVER targeted "Abenaki" persons or families in Vermont. Not one person or family that was mentioned in the Eugenics was identifying as an Abenaki nor were they identified by outside parties, as being Abenaki either. This whole Resolution is Legislative Toilet Paper! it was written without proper historical research into the Eugenics Survey of Vermont. Only sypathsizers of the wannabebe Abenaki of Vermont Inc. groups are wanting this stupid bunch of scribble to pass. Hell, it isn't even an apology, but rather a sorrow and regret (someone hand me a tissue please). My family was targeted both in VT and NH by the Children's Aide Society which ties right into the VT Eugenic's Survey yet no one see's or reads any mention of the Children's Aide Society collusion in the Eugenics in this farce of an apology. It adds insult to injury!